CUPE 5430 Main Officec

1111 Osler St. Regina SK  S4R 8R4
Phone:  306–546-2185


Region 1 Office (Former Local 5111)

1291-100th Street
North Battleford, SK S9A 0W4
Phone: 445-6433 
Fax: 446-2405


Region 2 Office (former Local 4777)

215-16th Street West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 3V4
Phone: 922-0600 
Fax: 763-8915 


Region 3 Office (former Local 3967)

1651 Park Street 
Regina, SK S4N 5A2 
Phone: 757-7925 
Fax: 757-6959


Region 4 Office (former Local 5999)

46 – 3rd Street
Weyburn, SK
S4H 0V9
Phone: (306) 842-1559
Fax: (306) 842-1560


Region 5 Office (former Local 4980)

180 A Broadway West
Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 1E2
Phone: (306) 783-1396
Fax: (306) 783-1398




Upcoming JJEMC Reviews

Do you work in the following classifications: Head Cook; Cook, Assistant Cook and or Baker?

You should know that the Joint Job Evaluation Maintenance Committee has initiated a provincial review for those job descriptions. You should expect to have the Employer give you the Provincial Review Process Form, the Provincial Job Fact Sheet and Provincial Review Instructions by February 5, 2019. These documents would have to be returned to the out of scope supervisor by March 5, 2019

CUPE Local 5430 members  Workload Concerns

On January 18, 2019 representatives from CUPE Local 5430 met with Greg Ottenbreit, Yorkton MLA and Minister for Rural and Remote Health to discuss our concerns with workload and chronic under-staffing.

The delegation submitted close to 1,500 postcards calling for the province to address workload by:

  • Ensuring staff are replaced when sick or on leave;
  • Improving shift schedules to reduce on-call work;
  • Increasing funding for frontline staff;
  • Having meaningful discussion with health care unions about staff, resources, recruitment, and retention (especially in rural Saskatchewan).

Do you work in the following classifications: Food Service Supervisor, Food Service Worker, Food Service Clerk, Head Franchise Service Worker?

You should know that the Joint Job Evaluation Maintenance Committee has initiated a provincial review for those job descriptions. You should expect to have the Employer give you the Provincial Review Process Form, the Provincial Job Fact Sheet and Provincial Review Instructions by December 18, 2018. These documents would have to be returned to the out of scope supervisor by January 15, 2019.

Dear Health Care Member:

Your SEIU-West, CUPE, and SGEU health provider bargaining committees met with SAHO in Regina on November 27 and 28, 2018 to resume bargaining.
With everyone’s assistance, the Coalition has made considerable progress over the course of bargaining, and the only outstanding issue that remains is wages.

During the last hour of bargaining, the employer presented the Coalition bargaining committee with a “final” offer that included a monetary proposal well below the cost of living. We know from past rounds of bargaining that a “final” offer is not actually the end of bargaining, and we are under no obligation to vote on the offer.

Do you work in the following classifications: Equipment Operator-Groundskeeper, Groundskeeping Supervisor, Planning CoordinatorHead Groundskeeper or Groundskeeper?

You should know that the Joint Job Evaluation Maintenance Committee has initiated a provincial review for those job descriptions. You should expect to have the Employer give you the Provincial Review Process Form, the Provincial Job Fact Sheet and Provincial Review Instructions by November 23, 2018. These documents would have to be returned to the out of scope supervisor by December 27, 2018.

CUPE National Sector Conference in Ottawa was enlightened today by brother Sid Hall on Workload and how it can affect the care we are to provide our deserving residents/patients/clients. 

Thank you Brother Sid

Every year, on the week of November 8, we celebrate National MRT week. This is an important reminder of the essential role of Medical Radiation Technologists (MRTs) in the health care team, and a chance to thank all of our MRT members.

MRTs provide professional imagining and radiation-related treatment services, and play a vital role in diagnosis and patient care.

Learn more about MRT week here:

Join the conversation, post photos, and share your story on social media using the hashtag #MRTWeek2018.

Many people are marking November 7, 2018 as National Stress Awareness Day. Unfortunately, many CUPE Local 5430 members experience stress on a daily basis due to crushing workloads.

To mark this occasion, CUPE Local 5430 is asking our members to sign a postcard calling for the provincial government to address workload by ensuring staff are replaced when sick or on leave, improving shift schedules to reduce on-call work, increasing funding for frontline staff, and having meaningful discussion with health care unions about staff, resources, recruitment, and retention (especially in rural Saskatchewan).



About CUPE Local 5430

CUPE Local 5430 is the largest health care union in Saskatchewan, representing over 13,600 members. We represent a wide range of health care providers in five major classification areas: clerical, technical, nursing, support and plant operations. Together, we each contribute to the well-being of hospital patients, long-term care residents and home care clients.

Read more