CUPE 5430 Main Officec

1111 Osler St. Regina SK  S4R 8R4
Phone:  306–546-2185


Region 1 Office (Former Local 5111)

1291-100th Street
North Battleford, SK S9A 0W4
Phone: 445-6433 
Fax: 446-2405


Region 2 Office (former Local 4777)

215-16th Street West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 3V4
Phone: 922-0600 
Fax: 763-8915 


Region 3 Office (former Local 3967)

1651 Park Street 
Regina, SK S4N 5A2 
Phone: 757-7925 
Fax: 757-6959


Region 4 Office (former Local 5999)

46 – 3rd Street
Weyburn, SK
S4H 0V9
Phone: (306) 842-1559
Fax: (306) 842-1560


Region 5 Office (former Local 4980)

180 A Broadway West
Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 1E2
Phone: (306) 783-1396
Fax: (306) 783-1398




Greetings Everyone!

As we start the new year, we want to thank you all for your support and your relentless sacrifice from your families to take care of people across this province.

We are also extremely grateful for all the work that our elected Officers and Committee members have done to get our union to where it is today.

Ratification Vote Result

Thank you to all those who voted in ratifying the one-year extension of our collective agreement. The election result is: 75.9% voted in favor.

For those who did not register to receive voting credentials, please do so at the CUPE5430 website Voter Information - CUPE Local 5430 Health Care Union Saskatchewan ( for future elections and ratification votes. It is a one-time registration.

The $200.00 lump sum payment (less deductions) will be deposited into your account on January 14, 2022. If you are on CUPE Disability Income Plan, you do not need to report the $200.00 payment.

Vaccine Policy

We have filed a policy grievance on the cost of the rapid test for those enrolled into the monitored testing program. Please contact your regional office if you are concerned and want more information.

Member Survey

We are conducting an important member survey to hear directly from you about the role of the union, how we can strengthen member engagement and the issues you are facing in the workplace.

Your response will guide the work of the union over the next few years. The survey will take less than 10 minutes of your time and your participation is anonymous. Once you fill out the survey, you will be entered in a prize draw for a chance to win a $100.00 gift certificate. Please click here to take the survey

Membership System

CUPE Local 5430 has launched a NEW Member System for the ability to access documents on our website. This member portal can bring timely information and documents directly to you. If you haven’t signed up yet, please go to Subscribe for CUPE 5430 Membership - CUPE Local 5430 Health Care Union Saskatchewan to sign up now.

Next Steps

We will continue to raise concerns with the employer about short staffing, precarious work and begin preparing for the next round of bargaining.

We will be sending a bargaining survey to all of you shortly. Please make sure that you are signed up for email communication and remind your coworkers to get signed up by contacting your regional office.

  • Region 1: 306-445-6433 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Region 2: 306-922-0600 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Region 3: 306-757-7925 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Region 4: 306-842-1559 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Region 5: 306-783-1396 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Main office: 306-546-2185

The CUPE Local 5430 Executive Board has called a Special Membership Meeting on 

Thursday January 20, 2022 – 6:30 - 7:30 pm 

Via: Zoom 

Agenda: Replacement of furnaces in the Region 3 building – 1651 Park Street, Regina 

To request a zoom invitation please contact: 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

January 7th, 6 am – Jan 11th, 6am

A tentative agreement on a one-year extension of the current SAHO/CUPE collective agreement (April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2022) 

Voting will take place electronically using Simply Voting, the software used by CUPE Local 5430 to conduct online voting. 

PLEASE Ensure you have registered for your ability to vote on our website.

CUPE Local 5430: Private surgeries not a solution to wait time backlog

Throughout the pandemic, the Moe government has shown its reluctance to listen to medical experts to enact public health measures in a timely way. This mishandling has directly contributed to today’s current backlog of surgeries. CUPE Local 5430 is concerned about the backlog for surgical procedures and diagnostic services, but improvements can and must be made within our public and universal health care system.

“Contracting out surgeries is not a magic silver bullet for wait times. There is a limited pool of health care staff, and privatization of more health care services will pull medical staff away from the public system,” said Bashir Jalloh, president of CUPE Local 5430. This decision will only worsen our recruitment and retention challenges.

CUPE Local 5430: Private surgeries not a solution to wait time backlog

Throughout the pandemic, the Moe government has shown its reluctance to listen to medical experts to enact public health measures in a timely way. This mishandling has directly contributed to today’s current backlog of surgeries. CUPE Local 5430 is concerned about the backlog for surgical procedures and diagnostic services, but improvements can and must be made within our public and universal health care system.

“Contracting out surgeries is not a magic silver bullet for wait times. There is a limited pool of health care staff, and privatization of more health care services will pull medical staff away from the public system,” said Bashir Jalloh, president of CUPE Local 5430. This decision will only worsen our recruitment and retention challenges.

The CUPE Local 5430 Executive Board has called a Special Membership Meeting on

Monday, December 13, 2021 - 6:30 - 7:30 pm

via: Zoom

Agenda:    Nominations for CUPE Local 5430 Trustee. (This will be a by-election for the remaining term of office,

ending October 2023. Nominations will be open for Members from Regions 2, 4 or 5)

To request a zoom invitation to join this meeting, please e-mail

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CUPE will be holding Information Meetings on the following dates and times via Zoom

  • Friday December 17, 2021 -- 8:00 am, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm OR
  • Monday December 20, 2021 -- 8:00 am, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm OR
  • Monday January 3, 2022 -- 8:00 am, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm OR
  • Wednesday January 5, 2022 -- 8:00 am, 2:00 pm & 6:30 pm


  • Extension of the current CUPE/SAHO Collective Agreement
  • Settlement of Unfair Labour Practice against SAHO

To request a zoom invitation to join one (1) of these meeting dates/times please e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

** Please include the Meeting, Date and Time that you are requesting to attend in your email **



About CUPE Local 5430

CUPE Local 5430 is the largest health care union in Saskatchewan, representing over 13,600 members. We represent a wide range of health care providers in five major classification areas: clerical, technical, nursing, support and plant operations. Together, we each contribute to the well-being of hospital patients, long-term care residents and home care clients.

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