CUPE 5430 Main Officec

1111 Osler St. Regina SK  S4R 8R4
Phone:  306–546-2185


Region 1 Office (Former Local 5111)

1291-100th Street
North Battleford, SK S9A 0W4
Phone: 445-6433 
Fax: 446-2405


Region 2 Office (former Local 4777)

215-16th Street West
Prince Albert, SK S6V 3V4
Phone: 922-0600 
Fax: 763-8915 


Region 3 Office (former Local 3967)

1651 Park Street 
Regina, SK S4N 5A2 
Phone: 757-7925 
Fax: 757-6959


Region 4 Office (former Local 5999)

46 – 3rd Street
Weyburn, SK
S4H 0V9
Phone: (306) 842-1559
Fax: (306) 842-1560


Region 5 Office (former Local 4980)

180 A Broadway West
Yorkton, Saskatchewan S3N 1E2
Phone: (306) 783-1396
Fax: (306) 783-1398



Did You Know: Family Illness Leave

When requesting Family Illness Leave you need only identify the following:

» The family member who is ill. This can include spouses,parents, in-laws, children, guardians, grandparents, and fiancés/fiancées. For a complete list refer to Article 30.05.

» The general nature of your involvement, for example, taking the family member to an appointment, caring for them or some other explanation of why they require your attention.

» The amount of time required.

You do not need to disclose any information about your family member's illness, as this is personal health information. Your employer is not entitled to such information.

If the situation involving your family member is emergent or life threatening, apply for Serious Illness Leave NOT Family Illness
Leave. You are entitled to up to two days of Serious Illness Leave for any occasion of a serious illness of a family member, provided
you are the primary caregiver. Save your Family Illness Leave for occasions involving your family's health that are less serious but still require your attention.

Read Article 30.07 Family Illness Leave in your CUPE Collective Agreement.



About CUPE Local 5430

CUPE Local 5430 is the largest health care union in Saskatchewan, representing over 13,600 members. We represent a wide range of health care providers in five major classification areas: clerical, technical, nursing, support and plant operations. Together, we each contribute to the well-being of hospital patients, long-term care residents and home care clients.

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