CUPE’s collective agreement is the only provincial health care agreement that includes a comprehensive, stand-alone provision to address the workload concerns of members.
This provision gives the Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee, or a sub-committee, the responsibility to review staffing levels, investigate workload concerns and make recommendations to rectify any workload concerns. The joint committee then has 30 days to issue a report on its recommendations to the Union and Employer. The Employer has another 30 days to report on the steps it has taken to implement the recommendations.
If the workload complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the Union or Employer, then either party can refer the issue to the Provincial Dispute Resolution Committee (PDRC).
Failing resolution at the PDRC, the matter will be referred to a mandatory mediation process, with an independent mediator, to resolve the workload complaint.
Please contact your CUPE Region Office or a facility representative if you require a workload complaint form.